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Saturday, May 23, 2009



Title : Action Research in Teaching and Learning
Author: Lin S. Norton
Year of Publication: 2009
State: New York, US
Published by: Taylor & Francis Books

Concept of the action research

Action research is a term which refers to a practical way of looking at your own work to check that it is as you would like it to be. Because action research is done by you, the practitioner, it is often referred to as practitioner based research; and because it involves you thinking about and reflecting on your work, it can also be called a form of self-reflective practice.

The idea of self reflection is central. In traditional forms of research – empirical research – researchers do research on other people. In action research, researchers do research on themselves. Empirical researchers enquire into other people’s lives. Action researchers enquire into their own. Action research is an enquiry conducted by the self into the self.

You, a practitioner, think about your own life and work, and this involves you asking yourself why you do the things that you do, and why you are the way that you are. When you produce your research report, it shows how you have carried out a systematic investigation into your own behaviour, and the reasons for that behaviour. The report shows the process you have gone through in order to achieve a better understanding of yourself, so that you can continue developing yourself and your work.

The action plan above shows action reflection as a cycle of:
· identify an area of practice to be investigated;
· imagine a solution;
· implement the solution;
· evaluate the solution;
· change practice in light of the evaluation

This action research cycle can now turn into new action research cycles, as new areas of investigation emerge.The processes can be shown as a spiral of cycles, where one issue forms the basis of another and, as one question is addressed, the answer to it generates new questions.

Purposes of pedagogical action research

Action research questions take the form, ‘How do I improve what I am doing?’ This question has an underlying intent to help other people, on the following principles (Jean McNiff,2002):
· Systematically investigate one’s own teaching / learning facilitation practice, with the dual aim of improving that practice and contributing the theoretical knowledge in order to benefit student learning.
· Method of enhancing the quality of teaching and learning in schools.
· An aid to reflective thinking which results in action ( Ponte,2002)
· A method of improving the student learning experience and their academic performance.
· A process that enable school academic to articulate their knowledge about learning and teaching.
· Approaches that enable school academics understand better the process learning and teaching.
· A process which can ameliorate the theory – practice gap in school learning and teaching. (Goodnough, 2003)
· A method of inducting new professionals ( Seider and Lemma, 2004)
· To investigate what you are doing with a view to improving it.
· This will help to understand the situation more fully.
· Our developed understanding will help to evaluate your work and change it as necessary.
· The way of working might influence others; how can show this?
· Change the way of working in light of their perceptions. You negotiate this with them.
· Collective agreement about these things helps to understand the situation better.
· Collectively you are now a community of enquirers. You have changed your social situation, and this is bound to have consequences for wider social contexts.
· Your individual ‘I-enquiry’ has turned into a collective ‘we-enquiry’. You have moved from ‘I’ to ‘we’.

Action Research Design

Model: Experimental design
Sample: Third year psychology students (counseling psychology, organizational physiology, and psychology and crime)
Setting: University

Method/ Procedure of Action Research

The classic advice is to think of action research as a spiral where you can plan, act, observe, and reflect (Kember, 2000). This was originally based on Kurt Lewin’s work who, is generally credited as being the founder of action research ( Lewin and Lewin, 1948). Lewin’s approach can be summarized as a series of steps composed of planning, action and then fact finding about the result of he action taken.

Norton, 2009 say that the action research cycle:

1. Observe or notice that something is not as it should be and /or could be improved (observe)
2. Plan a course of action which involves changing something in your practice (plan)
3. Carry out the change (act)
4. See what effect your change has made ( reflect)

A simple process for carrying out action research

Step 1: Identifying a problem/paradox/issues/difficulty
Step2: Thinking of ways to tackle the problem
Step 3: Doing it
Step 4: Evaluating it
Step 5: Modifying future practice

Identifying the issues:

Third year psychology students (counseling psychology, organizational physiology, and psychology and crime) were using to few up- to- date journal articles in their essays.

Thinking of way to tackle it:

One of the most straightforward inquiries could have been to carry out an interview study and survey with psychology students at all levels to find out why they were not using journals? This is a classic research design in positive tradition where the aim is to test a hypothesis by determining an independent variable ( the intervention) and dependent variable ( students that used journals) while controlling for extraneous variables as much as possible ( similar age, motivation, ability, experience, etc). When thinking about designing an intervention, again the range of possibilities is endless and like all research studies, making the decision is probably the hardest part of the whole process. I designed an intervention as part of the counseling psychology module, which would hopefully benefit all the students in the class.

The hypotheses are:
1. Counseling psychology students will use more journals in their assignments than counseling psychology, organizational physiology, and psychology and crime.
2. The 2003 counseling psychology cohorts ( the cohort experiencing the intervention) will use more journals in their assignments that the 2002 counseling cohorts (who had no intervention)

Doing it:

The aims of this intervention was to identify issues that students were not going enough journal articles in their assignments in the module, we found ourselves hypothesizing two possible reasons:

1. The students not up to date how to search the journal articles. Tis came from the actual experience.
2. Cause came from then reflection after a presentation on an earlier cycle from this research at a learning and teaching conference( Norton et al., 2003)

Given that the module was 12 weeks long and class session were only two hours. This is what I did:
1. Spent one hour in class session on reminding my students how to find relevant journals both in the university library and electronically (demonstrated a step- by-step guide)
2. Changed the individual research critique assignment from asking students to evaluate three journal articles (in past years) to asking for a detailed critique on one key up- to-date journal article which are relevant to their case study. I also ask them to present a list of the journal article they had located.

Then when remarked their critiques, I gave the students details written feedback, partly to help them prepared for their presentation. The criteria specified were:

1. Evidence of an up-to-date literature research
2. Accurate referencing using the Harvard system
3. Critical evaluation of one key journal paper
4. Evaluation of the usefulness of the chosen key journal paper

Evaluating it

In order to see if the intervention had worked or not, a positive approach was carried out by analyzing the essays after hey had been marked for the number of the journal cited in the reference list at the end of each assay.

Modifying future practice:

If the results still not satisfactorily, I should modifying my practice for the next year cohorts (2004), example: I decided that I would need to focus more on breaking down the critical evaluation and giving clearly guidance and maybe more practice. In fact modify the practice to the next cohort of counseling psychology student and in so doing issues emerged for another cycle of action research.

Collection and analysis data

1) Data collection technique

Given that the module was 12 weeks long and class sessions were only two hours, he did not have a lot time to play with, a small- scale modification to the delivery of the module. This what he did :
a) He spent one hour in class session on reminding my students how to find relevant journals both in the university library and electronically (demonstrated a step- by-step guide). He gave the instruction about exactly how to write a research critique and give them an example.
b) Changed the individual research critique assignment from asking students to evaluate three journal articles (in past years) to asking for a detailed critique on one key up- to-date journal article which are relevant to their case study. I also ask them to present a list of the journal article they had located.

2)Data analysis technique

In many action research studies, quantitative analysis would be seen as inappropriately positivist. Quantitative analysis is useful in pedagogical research studies. There are two types of quantitative analysis: statistics for description and statistics for drawing conclusion.

Base on the action research design on third year psychology students (counseling psychology, organizational physiology, and psychology and crime) the analysis were carried out through each essay and from the list counted the number of unique citations to give the total number of journal used, as well as books and web sources.

Based on the results comparing the number of journals used in the assignments of the three modules from 2003: there is no difference in the number of journals used between organizational students and crime students who were both using five journals on average. But there was a difference with counseling psychology students who used on average, seven journals and this as a statistically significant difference.

Ethics in action research

In the context of real situation, the more control you put it, the less likely it has to have any applicability to the real life context. Added to this are further difficulties posedby ethical considerations. Since the assessment count, what happened to the disadvantaged groups who have no intervention? So he designed an intervention as part of the counseling psychology module, which would helpfully benefit all the students in the class. Within action research, ethics is concerned with ensuring that the interest and well-being of people are not harmed as a result of the research being done.

Some ethical principles for good research practice

1. Have a valid research design
2. Obtained information consent
3. Avoid dishonesty
4. Minimize interruption
5. Ensure confidentially
6. Minimize risk of harm
7. Demonstrate respect
8. Avoid manipulation
9. reciprocate


Refers to the consistency or stability of a measure or test from one use to another. In other words, the teacher researcher need to be confident that the obtained results not do not excessively fluctuate over different administration of the test, alternative forms, and scorer of the tests or other measures.


Concerned with the inferred meaning from the results obtained through test, questionnaire, observations and the like. Poorly designed research waste participants’ time and often leads to their refusal to participate in any other research study. Martens (1998:24) says that faulty research is not only a waste of time and money but cannot be conceived of as being ethical because it does not contribute to the well -being of participants.

Evaluation from this book

This book is very good for teachers who want to do action research because this book gives you the guidance how to do the action research. This book discuss in details about the method that can used when doing the action research besides the various of example of action research that have been done to give the direction for teachers.